above top: Darkside of The Garden T-shirt at Threadless; bottom: A cake baked on the design
Everyone likes t-shirts. And cake. So what a great idea it was for Chris Cardinal to start Threadcakes in 2007, an online cake competition in conjunction with the user generated design t-shirt site, Threadless.com.
The contest turns art into edible art. The premise is straightforward, interpret (not replicate, per se) the image on any of the PRINTED t-shirts at Threadless into an actual baked and edible cake.
No contest was run in 2008, but they've brought it back with a vengeance this year. The contest began on June 15th and runs through August 3rd. It's not too late to enter. You can read more about the competition and the rules here.
The contest has two categories, 2D and 3D and there are already many drool-worthy entries into each. The contest runs for a few more weeks, so you cake bakers still have plenty of time to give it a try.
There are already so many incredible and impressive cakes entered, it was very hard to narrow it down to just a few to inspire you (or to light a flambé under your butt). But here are some incredible entries side by side with the t-shirt art that inspired the cakes.
T-shirt Art on the left, Cakes on the right:
(please click on the images to enlarge)

above: Children Under The Bed (3D) by Jessi Wilbanks

above: Catburger (3D) by Jessica Dell

above: A Banana Slipping on a Banana Peel (3D) by burton wills

above: Beauty before Death (3D) by Monique Presley

above: The Apple (3D) by Judy Steiner

above: Water, Just Water (3D) by Catherine Hofler

above: She Doesnt Even Realize (3D) by Nicole Jeans

above: True Love Will Find You In The End (2D) by Katie Eickhoff

above: Long Journey (3D) by Midori Sickel

above: Invasion (2D) by Amanda Noll

To learn more or to view all the entries thus far, go here.
Visit Threadless T-shirts here.