First there were handbags. Different, adorable, charming and whimsical. Then came shoes and sunglasses. Followed by stationery and tableware. Not long after came products for the home like photo frames, glassware, and more. Baby products were a natural addition and as if that weren't enough, she began designing jewelry and released a fragrance as well as candles. And I'm not even including Jack Spade, the line and store, for men.
The Kate Spade Empire:

and now...

Now, Kate Spade launches a clothing collection. The line is what you'd except if you're familiar with the designer. Sweet but sexy and slightly retro, cute but couture, precious and pricey. The pieces look like items Kate herself might wear. The model even has a look that resembles both Kate and her talented Creative Director and co-president of Kate Spade New York, Deborah Lloyd.

above left: Deborah Lloyd and right, Kate Spade
Here's all the items in her clothing line at present, which just debuted August 11th. I especially love the outwear and jackets. Please click on the images to enlarge.
Tops & Sweaters:

Skirts & Dresses:

Outerwear & Jackets:

A better look at some of the separates:

You can purchase the above clothes, plus jewelry, shoes, accessories, and more here.
Watch out Ed Hardy, this woman is gaining on you. It may not be long now before we see Kate Spade Shiraz.